

What takes 24 hours?

Updated: 12/7/2022
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14y ago

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The earth to rotate about its axis.

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Q: What takes 24 hours?
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What flight takes 24 hours?

From the Netherlands to Melbourne, Australia takes about 24 hours, sometimes it takes 27 hours though. :)

Why is a day on earth is 24 hours?

24 hours is the amount of time it takes for the earth to spin in a circle. it takes 24 hours for the sun to get to the same spot.

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Earth's orbit is closer to the sun than Mars' orbit. Earth takes about 365 days to orbit the sun while Mars takes about 687 days. Additionally, Mars has a more elliptical orbit compared to Earth's nearly circular orbit.

How long does the planet mars takes to rotate on its axis?

It takes roughly 24 and a half hours. To be more precise, it takes 24 hours 37 minutes 22 seconds.

How many hours takes one day on earth?

24 hours.

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I takes around 1 day 24 hours! I takes around 1 day 24 hours!

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How long does it takes to the earth to spin?

24 hours

How long does earths rotation take?

Earth's rotation takes approximately 24 hours to complete, which is why we experience day and night cycles.

Can you get Klonopin out of your system in 24 hours?

No you can\'t get Klonopin out of your system in 24 hours. It usually takes 48-72 hours to get Klonopin out of your system.

Is the length of the whole day 24 hours because the earth takes 24 hours to make a complete revolution?


What does earth as its spins on it's axis?

It rotates and it takes 24 hours to do so; that's why one day is 24 hours.