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Answer: 4 miles = 6.43737 km, no matter what you are doing.

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Q: When Riding a push bike how many kilometers in 4 miles?
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How many miles bike riding equal how many miles walked?

1 mile bike riding = 1 mile walked.Both are equivalent to 5,280 feet, 1,760 yards, or 1,609.344 meters.

How many lbs do you lose when riding a bike 10 miles?

about 3 pounds

How many miles per hour does a bike go?

The speed of a bike can vary, but on average, a person riding a bike can go between 10 to 20 miles per hour.

How many miles does it takes to get to Orlando on a bike from ftmyers?

The mileage from Orland to Ft Meyers is is same if you are driving or riding a bike: 150 miles. But it's flat!

How many calories do you burn riding a bike for 12 miles in 55 minutes?

i believe the average for riding 12 mph in an hour is 550 calories but it depends on the person and type of riding

Can you die riding a bike?

Yes and many do.

How many calories are burned from bike riding 6.5 miles?

It depends on the speed gone, the kind of bike ridden, and the weight of the person riding. However, on average, approximately 36 calories per mile are burned. Therefore, about 560 calories would be burned.

How far is 27km bike ride?

Depends on bike, riding conditions, fitness level and degree of determination. On flattish roads I can probably do it in less than 2 hours, a dedicated road rider may do it in just about one. Someone else might need more than three.Depends on fitness level, how hard you're trying, what bike you're on and general riding conditions. There are those who could do it in about one hour in good conditions. I could probably do it in about 90 minutes. Many would need about two hours, and some would be in around 3 hours.

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How many kilometers is 760 miles?

760 miles is approximately 1223 kilometers.

How many kilometers in 3300000 miles?

1,335,470 kilometers

How many miles is 2.5 kilometers?

2.5 miles = 4.02336 kilometers