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Q: What refers to how long it takes an object to move from one place to another?
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Which of these refers to how long it takes an object to move from one place to another time speed or distance?

Time refers to how long it takes an object to move from one place to another. Speed refers to the rate at which the object is moving, while distance refers to the amount of space the object has traveled.

Which of these refers to how long it takes an object to move from one place to another?

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What is the root word of orbital?

The root word of orbital is "orbit," which refers to the path an object takes around another object in space.

What does course of movement mean?

Course of movement refers to the path or route that an object or individual takes when traveling from one place to another. It typically describes the direction and sequence of movements made along the way.

What is the term that refers to the amount of space an object takes up?

The term that refers to the amount of space an object takes up is "volume." It is a measure of the amount of three-dimensional space occupied by the object.

The amount of matter in an object compared to the space it takes up refers to?

The amount of matter in an object compared to the space it takes up refers to its density. Density is calculated by dividing an object's mass by its volume.

The path that an object takes around another object?


What is tension and compression?

Tension and compression takes place when an object has a force on another object. The tension is when the force is causing a pulling effect on part of the object. The compression is when the force is causing a contracting effect on part of the object.

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Do object pronouns take place of nouns?

An object pronoun can take the place of a noun or another pronoun.The antecedent is the noun or pronoun that a pronoun takes the place of.An object pronoun takes the place of an antecedent as the object of a verb or a preposition.Examples of object pronouns and their antecedents:I brought cookies for the class. My mother made them. (The pronoun 'them' is the direct object of the verb 'made'; the antecedent is 'cookies')Mother made the cookies for us. (the pronoun 'us' is the object of the preposition 'for'; there is no antecedent for the pronoun 'us', the speaker doesn't name the people referred to as 'us')

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Is matter an object that has shape color size and how much the object takes place?

Yes it does.