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Q: 1. Write a class SimpleMath that asks the user to input 2 integer values and then computes plus - and displays them with appropriate text. For the cast int to double?
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In the appropriate domain, all numbers are square numbers. Perfect square numbers are numbers that are obtained by multiplying an integer by itself.

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The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.

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The formula, as far as I can see, is not appropriate for the algorithm.

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When the number can be expressed as a ratio of the form p/q where p and q are integers and in their simplest form, q >1.

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the square of an integer will always be an integer

The square root of an integer will always be an integer?

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What is the text move function in PHP?

"Text move" isn't very clear. If you want to assign strings to different variables, use the assignment operator: <?php $old_var = 'blah'; $new_var = $old_var; echo $new_var; // Displays "blah" ?> If you want to work with a certain part of a string, use substr(): <?php $part_of_string = substr($string, $start, $length); // $start should be an integer, indicating which character to start obtaining the string at // $length should be an integer, indicating how many characters you want to obtain. echo = substr('somesimplestring', 5, 6); // Displays "simple" ?>

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1448 is an integer.