Well, isn't that a happy little question! To convert 100,000 International Units (IU) of Nystatin into milligrams, you can use the conversion factor of 1 IU is equal to 0.0006 milligrams for Nystatin. So, when you multiply 100,000 IU by 0.0006 mg/IU, you get 60 milligrams of Nystatin. Just like painting a beautiful landscape, it's all about following the right steps with a calm and steady hand.
It's easy because 'mg' and 'Mg' mean the same thing: milligrams.
Milliliters does not convert to milligrams.
1mEq NaCl = 58,4 mg NaCl
1 cg = 10 mg. Simple!
To convert from milli- to centi- you divide by 10, so 9.01 mg = 0.901 cg
1 IU of nystatin is equivalent to 0.0006 mg. Therefore, 100,000 IU of nystatin would be equal to 60 mg.
You can not convert mg (weight) to volume (ml).
show me how to convert 0.3 mg to grain
Nystatin is a medication used to treat fungal infections, and is generally sold in powder form. One bou (abbreviation for boulle) is an archaic unit of measurement used to measure mass, and is equal to 0.0888 kilograms (kg). To convert 1 bou of Nystatin to kg, you would multiply 1 bou by 0.0888, resulting in 0.0888 kg.
To convert mg to kg, divide by 1,000. 45654 mg = 45.654 kg.
One can convert mg to kg by dividing milligrams by 1000.
500 mg
nystatin does not contain a steriod.
nystatin does not contain a steriod.
Multiply by 1000 =72,000 mg
262 mg to ml
Convert ml to oz. then oz. to mg to get 57.51664649 mg.