write the following decimal numbers in words .0087945
A Lakh, Lac or Lacs is a unit in the Indian numbering system equal to one hundred thousand (100,000) units. 12 lakhs is therefore equal to 1,200,000 or One million two hundred thousand units.
the average typing speed for a 12 year old girl is about 50 words per minute.
It is called a twelve-digit number. Its exact name will depend on the number.
There is no such word. Check your spelling!
what book and level and stuff be more specific
The correct spelling of "12" is "twelve."
spelling words for sixth grades
The correct spelling is "twenty second".
Words that have the same pronunciation but different spelling are called homophones.
Yes, twelfth is the correct spelling of 12 in dates.
Common, simple words work best for a kindergarten spelling test. Your school should gave a curriculum which sets out the words suitable for this level. Common, simple words include am, is, we, me, my.
Only capitalize 'spelling' if it is the first word in a sentence.
Yes, when referring to a specific list of Spelling Words, you should capitalize the term.
The spelling for the number 12 is "twelve."
spelling city is a really good place to learn English words