To convert a fraction to a percentage, multiply the numerator by 100 and divide by the denominator; if the denominator does not divide exactly into this, the percentage can be left as a fraction or converted to a decimal. For example, to convert 3/8 to a percentage (8 does not divide into 100): 3/8 = 3/8 x 100 % = 300 / 8 % = 374/8 % = 371/2 % Or as a decimal: = 37.5 %
Divide 300 by 5.7 to get the percentage. In this case the answer is 52.63%.
To convert 300 percent to a decimal, you divide the percentage by 100. Therefore, 300 percent is equal to 3 in decimal form. This is because 300 percent means 300 out of 100, which simplifies to 3 when expressed as a decimal.
To find the decimal part of 450 that is equivalent to 300, you would divide 300 by 450. This calculation gives you 0.6666666667, which can be rounded to 0.67. Therefore, 300 is 67% of 450 in decimal form.
To write 2 over 300 as a percentage, you first divide 2 by 300 to get 0.0067. Next, multiply this decimal by 100 to convert it to a percentage, which equals 0.67%. Therefore, 2 over 300 written as a percentage is 0.67%.
8y = 300 Divide both sides by 8: y = 8/300 y = 2/75 or about .02667
20/3 short of 300
300/35 use 5 to divide both numerator and denominator =60/7=8.571 or 8.6 or 8 remainders 20.
There are 9.375 quarts in 300 ounces. One quart is equal to 32 ounces, so you can divide 300 by 32 to get the answer.
Divide 300 by 15 to get the answer. The answer is 300/15.
You first divide 300 by 100 to find how much 1% is. It is 3. Then you divide 120 by 3. 120 is 40% of 300.
To convert a fraction to a percentage, multiply the numerator by 100 and divide by the denominator; if the denominator does not divide exactly into this, the percentage can be left as a fraction or converted to a decimal. For example, to convert 3/8 to a percentage (8 does not divide into 100): 3/8 = 3/8 x 100 % = 300 / 8 % = 374/8 % = 371/2 % Or as a decimal: = 37.5 %
90000 divided by 300 equals 300