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Q: A circle has 6 equal sectionsFred shaded 3 of the sections what is an equivalent way to write the fraction of the sections that are shaded?
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What does it mean circle the equivalent fraction?

It means to circle the fractions that have the same values

What fraction of a circle is equivalent to 125 degrees?

It is 125/360, which can be simplified, if required.

What are sections of a circle are called?

they are called sectors :)

What fraction piece when used twice will cover four sixths of a circle?

Using a fraction piece with a denominator of 6, we need to find a fraction that, when repeated twice, will cover 4 out of 6 equal parts of a circle. Since 4 out of 6 is equivalent to 2 out of 3, the fraction piece we need is 2/3.

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What is an Angle measurement that is more than 90 degrees?

anything greater than 90 is called an obtuse angle If you are referring to the unit of measurement of an angle, one example of would be the Grad. Instead of splitting a circle into four 90-degree sections, it splits a circle into four 100 grad sections. This means that a 360-degree circle is equivalent to a 400 grad circle.

What conic sections represent a closed curve?

Ellipse circle

Scentific definition of a circle graph?

circle graph= a graph that represents data using sections of a circle. The sum of the percents in a circle graph is 100o/o

The area of a sector is the area of the circle multiplied by the fraction of the circle covered by that sector?

The area of a sector is the area of the circle multiplied by the fraction of the circle covered by that sector. This is a true statement and correct formula.

What fraction of the circle is shaded?

Half of it

Which Conic sections describes a closed curve?

Circles, parabolas, ellipses, and hyperbolas are all conic sections. Out of these conic sections, the circle and ellipse are the ones which define a closed curve.

What fraction of a circle is 50 percent if a circle?

1/2 ===