repeating decimal
No, it only repeats if it is 0.'29'
It is 3.69 where the 9 repeats endlessly.
It is 0.049 where the 9 repeats endlessly.
It is called a repeating decimal.
That's a repeating decimal. Some people call it a recurring decimal.
they are called repeating decimals.
a repeating decimal or a remainder.
repeating decimal
In the decimal expansion of , the digit repeats indefinitely.
An irrational number.
Irrational number.
It is a repeating decimal.
a repeating decimal
A repeating decimal is sometimes called a recurring decimal. The main idea is that at some point it must become periodic. That is to say, a certain part of the decimal must repeat, even though not all of it repeats. The parts that repeats is called the repetend. One very important idea is the a real number has a repeating decimal representation if and only if it is rational.