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a decimal that repeats is called a repeating decimal

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Q: A decimal that repeats is called a?
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Related questions

What do you call a decimal that repeats and needs the use of bar notations?

It is called a repeating decimal.

What is it called when a decimal repeats itself infinitely?

That's a repeating decimal. Some people call it a recurring decimal.

What are decimal remainders that continually repeats in a pattern?

they are called repeating decimals.

What is the number called that repeats in a division problem?

a repeating decimal or a remainder.

A decimal that repeats?

repeating decimal

In the decimal expansion of the digit repeats indefinitely.?

In the decimal expansion of , the digit repeats indefinitely.

A real number that cannot be expressed as a decimal that terminates or repeats is called?

An irrational number.

A real number that cannot be expressed as a decimal that terminates or repeats is called a?

Irrational number.

What is a decimal that has a pattern that repeats?

It is a repeating decimal.

What is a decimal that repeats digits an has no end?

a repeating decimal

What is the name of A Repeating Number?

A repeating decimal is sometimes called a recurring decimal. The main idea is that at some point it must become periodic. That is to say, a certain part of the decimal must repeat, even though not all of it repeats. The parts that repeats is called the repetend. One very important idea is the a real number has a repeating decimal representation if and only if it is rational.

What is A number that can be written as a fraction of two integers is called a number. It has a decimal representation that terminates or repeats.?
