There are 143 such numbers, too many to list.
Yes, 997 is a prime number.You can either work it out, or look it up in a list of prime numbers!For list of the first 1,000 prime numbers, see Related links below this box.
Please note that there are infinitely many prime numbers. An Internet search for "list of prime numbers" will quickly give you a list of prime numbers up to a certain point, for example here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_prime_numbers Any integer greater than 1 that is not in the list of prime numbers is a composite number. (1 is considered neither a prime number, nor a composite number.)
The two square numbers that add up to 225 are 144+81 = 225
1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144,169,196,225,256,289,324,361,400 All the square numbers up to 20!
The two square numbers that add up to 625 are 25 and 600. This is because 25 is the square of 5 (5^2 = 25) and 600 is the square of 24 (24^2 = 600). When you add 25 and 600 together, you get 625.
There are 22 of those. The biggest one is the square of 22, which is 484. It's easy for you to build your own list of all of them. -- Write down a list of the numbers from ' 1 ' to 22 . Then, one at a time . . . -- Multiply the number on your list by itself, and write the result next to it. -- When you finish doing that for all 22 numbers, you'll have the list of all square integers up to 500.
That will be difficult to answer specifically without the list of numbers, but as a general rule, test up to the square root.
There are infinitely many pairs of numbers that add up to 450. The set with the smallest difference is 225 and 225. Any set of numbers that are an equal distance lower and higher than 225 will add up to 450.225-37=198225+37=262198+262=450
square numbers 1 to 1000
1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169 196 225 256
225 feet squared * * * * * No. 225 feet squared represents an area of a square whose sides are 225 ft. That is, the area is 50625 sq feet! In fact there are 0 feet in 225 square feet. A foot is a measure of length or distance while a square foot is a measure of area. The two measure different things and, according to elementary principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.
1 9 25 49 81 121 169 225 289 361 441 529 625 729 841 961