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Q: A train traveled 288 mi at a constant speed of 80 mph. How long did it take the train to travel this distance?
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What is the equation for constant speed?

The equation for constant speed is distance = speed x time, where distance is the total distance traveled, speed is the constant speed at which the object is moving, and time is the duration of travel.

Is the total distance traveled divided by constant speed eual constant speed?

No. The total distance traveled divided by constant speed is the time interval.

If speed is constant but the time of the travel ends up being less what must have happened to the distance traveled?

. The distance decreased.

What is distance traveled divided by the time needed to travel the distance or speed?

Distance/time = speed

How do you find constant speed?

You didn't specify what data is given. In general, for constant speed, the following formula is important (just use the definition of speed): speed = distance / time; or distance = speed x time. If distance is in km and time in hours, speed will be in km/hour; if distance is in meters and time in seconds, speed will be in meters/second.

How do you find the speed of an object?

To find the speed of an object, you can calculate it by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken to travel that distance. The formula for speed is Speed = Distance/Time.

Time of travel of particle in terms of speed of particle?

The time of travel of a particle can be calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the speed of the particle. The formula is time = distance / speed. This equation relates the time taken to travel a certain distance to the speed at which the particle is moving.

Can the distance traveled still be divided by the time taken to travel the distance if the speed accelerates to travel the distance?

The formula, distance = speed x time, or speed = distance / time, assumes constant speed. If the speed changes, then the formula speed = distance / time will give you the average speed over the time period. To get the instantaneous speed in this case, you must divide distance / time for a very short time interval.

What is distance traveled divided by the the time it takes to travel that specific distance?


Distance traveled divided by the time needed to travel that distance?

this will result in speed

What is the formula to get the speed?

Speed is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time it took to travel that distance. The formula for speed is: Speed = distance/time.

If a plane traveled at a constant speed of 375 miles per hour for six hours how far did the plane travel?

Please use the formula: distance = speed x time