All rational numbers CAN be expressed as a ratio of two integers. They may appear, before simplification, to be expressed in other forms.
For example, the rational number 1 can be written as the ratio sin(45)/cos(45) even though neither numerator nor denominator is an integer.
Rational numbers are integers and fractions
No, not all rational numbers are integers. All integers are whole numbers, but a non-whole number can be rational if the numbers after the decimal point either 1. end or 2. repeat. So, sometimes rational numbers are integers, sometimes they're not. But all integers are rational numbers.
A rational number is one that can be expressed as the ratio of two integers. All integers (which includes 51) are themselves rational numbers as they can be written 51 = 51/1
All integers are rational numbers. As a result, there are no such numbers. There is, therefore, no name for these non-existent numbers.
Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers (3/2, 15/16). All integers, then, are rational numbers (12 = 12/1).
Yes, that is the definition of rational numbers.
Any 2 digit integers are rational numbers because all integers or whole numbers are rational numbers.
Most numbers ARE rational. For instance all the integers and most real numbers are rational numbers. To be an irrational number a real number must be impossible to express as a ratio of integers.
Yes. When you're talking about numbers, that's what 'rational' means.
Integers are a subset of the set of all rational numbers. By definition, a rational number can be exactly expressed as the ratio of two integers. Only if the ratio can be simplified so that the denominator is 1 is a rational number an integer.
All integers are rational numbers. There are integers with an i behind them that are imaginary numbers. They are not real numbers but they are rational. The square root of 2 is irrational. It is real but irrational.
No, they are not. 1/2 is a ratio of two integers and so it is rational. But it is not a whole number.
I don't know another single word for rational numbers. Definition: The rational numbers are all numbers which can be expressed as the ratio of two integers.
Yes. By definition, all rational numbers can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, the second of which is not zero. That is the fractional form of rational numbers.
No. For example, 2/3, the ratio of 2 to 3 is rational but not an integer.
All integers are rational. Not all rational numbers are integers.
All integers are rational numbers.