what are two other decimals equivalent to 2.2 ?
The GCF is 6.
102 is 85% of 120
equivalent decimals to 3.7 = 3.70, 3.700, 3.7000
Decimals equivalent to 0.80 = 0.8 and 0.800
No. If you multiply them by a hundred you get 120 and 102 which are not the same.
102 cm. 85% of 120 cm = 102 cm = 85% * 120 = 85%/100% * 120 = 0.85 * 120 = 102
102/120=.85 x 100=85%
-120, -106, -102, -97
what are two other decimals equivalent to 2.2 ?
120 x .85= 102
The GCF is 6.
102 is 85% of 120
85% of 120= 85% * 120= 0.85 * 120= 102
equivalent decimals for 2.6 = 2.60, 2.600. 2.6000, ...
equivalent decimals to 3.7 = 3.70, 3.700, 3.7000
Decimals equivalent to 0.80 = 0.8 and 0.800