

Are all rational numbers are terminating?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes, if a decimal terminates it is rational. However, decimals that repeat with a definite pattern, such as 8.2121212121..., would also be rational.

All terminating decimals are rational. For example, 0.1259 is the same as the rational number 1259 / 10000.

Both terminating decimals and repeating decimals are rational numbers.

let x be a real number with k digits after the decimal. then x*10k and 10k are integers, and (x*10k) / (10k) = x. therefore xis rational.

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13y ago

Nope. For example 1/3 is rational, but not terminating.

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Yes, they are.

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All decimals that terminate, or end with a repeating set of digits are rational numbers. eg 1.234, 1.222..., 1.232323..., 1.23444..., 1.2343434... are all rational numbers.

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Terminating and repeating decimals are rational numbers.

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Rational numbers can be expressed as a terminating or repeating decimal.

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If they are non-terminating and there is a repeating pattern, then they are rational. If they are non-terminating and there is no repeating pattern, as in pi, they are irrational.

Are terminating decimals always nether or sometimes a rational numbers?

They are always rational numbers.