Terminating numbers are decimal representations of rational numbers.
Nonterminating numbers may or may not be rational numbers.
There are are three types of decimals: terminating, repeating and non-terminating/non-repeating. The first two are rational, the third is not.
Rational numbers can be expressed as a terminating or repeating decimal.
It is called a rational number. The rational numbers are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (not dividing by 0). The fact that it is not terminating is not important at all. In fact, if we use other bases besides base 10, we will see that the set of numbers that are rational or irrational doesn't change. However, if we use another base, for example base 3, then the number 1/3 in base 3 can be represented with a terminating "decimal" (technically not decimal). The set of rational numbers that have terminating "decimals" depends on the base.
they always are.
No. Rational numbers are either terminating decimals or non-terminating BUT recurrent decimals.
If they are non-terminating and there is a repeating pattern, then they are rational. If they are non-terminating and there is no repeating pattern, as in pi, they are irrational.
Not only non-terminating, but also non-repeating. 0.333... recurring is non-terminating but it is rational. In fact, most rational numbers are non-terminating decimals.
Yes. Any terminating number is rational. (But some non-terminating numbers are rational too, like 1/3, 1/7, 1/9, etc.
0.3333... non-terminating = 1/3 (rational) 0.1666... non-terminating = 1/6 (rational) 0.0666... non-terminating = 1/15 (rational) 0.1111... non-terminating = 1/9 (rational) 0.3636... non-terminating = 4/11 (rational) 0.428571428... non-terminating = 3/7 (rational) I guess not .
They are real numbers. All irrational numbers are non-terminating. Also, any rational numbers which, in its simplest form has a denominator which contains a factor other than 2 or 5 (or their powers) is non-terminating.
Rational numbers - can be expressed as a fraction, and can be terminating and repeating decimals. Irrational numbers - can't be turned into fractions, and are non-repeating and non-terminating. (like pi)
Rational numbers can be written as a fraction with a non-zero denominator,as a terminating,a decimal,or a repeating decimal.
All terminating decimal numbers are rational.
It terminates. I believe that numbers that are non terminating are irrational. and numbers that can be made into a fraction, terminat, or repeat are rational.
rational and irrational numbers are two types of real Numbers. all real numbers which are terminating and non terminating but repeating comes in the category of rational numbers. all real numbers which are non terminating and non recurring comes in the category of irrational numbers. rational numbers are expressed in the p/q form where p and q are both integers and q is not equal to 0.the opposite the case is with irrational numbers. they are not expressed in the p/q form
Yes, terminating decimals are always rational numbers.