No. An integer is a whole number such as 2, 10, or 12.
A decimal is, as its name suggests, not a "whole" number. It's a number and a supplementary fraction or value.
Fractions, decimals and percents aren't integers
Every integers are real numbers.more precisely, integers are the subset of R, the set of real numbers.They are whole numbers with no decimals or fractions
No. Factors of integers are also integers (whole numbers).
The LCM refers to integers, not decimals.
Yes.For example 2.0 IS an integer, but note that most decimals are not integers, eg 2.56 is not an integer.Not normally because integers are whole numbers
Integers are whole numbers without fractions or decimals
The set of integers is a subset of decimals. If it is all decimals, including infinite non-terminating ones, then it is the real numbers.
not fractions or decimals
Fractions, decimals and percents aren't integers
Integers are whole numbers that do not contain fractions or decimals
Integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions.
Integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions.
An integer has to be a whole number or its opposite. For example, fractions and decimals cannot be integers. I'm smart (:
Integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions attached to them
Fractions and decimals are not integers because integers are whole numbers.
Whole numbers without decimals or fractions are called integers.
No because integers are whole numbers that do not include fractions or decimals.