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No, the unit is "per mole". The number could be atoms or molecules but that is not part of the unit.

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Q: Are molecules per mole a unit for avogadro's number?
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What is the unit of avogadros number?

The unit is "per mole", or mol^-1.

How is Avogadros number related to a mole?

Avogadro's number (generally written as 6.02 x 10^23) is the number of atoms or molecules it takes to have one mole of a particular atom or molecule. For example, one mole of Hydrogen is just 6.022x10^23.

How many atoms are in 1 mol Al2O3?

The number of molecules in a mole is Avogadros number, 6.023 X 1023 there are 5 atoms in each molecular formula unit so we then get 6.023x1023 x 5 =3.115 X 1024 atoms.

What is a mole in chemi stry?

A mole is the fundamental unit of measurement in chemistry. It is a number that indicates quantity. One mole is 6.02 x 1023 particles. That is a very large number but it is really the same concept as one dozen is a unit of measurement and the number is 12. One score is a unit of measurement and the number is 20 and one mole is 6.02 x 10 23, which is an extremely large number. There is around one mole of molecules in a tablespoon of water, that is, there is 6.02 x 10 23 molecules. They are really small.

Why do chemist work with moles of individual atoms?

They need a counting unit to count the number of atoms, molecules, or formula units of a substance.

Any substance that contains Avogadro's number of particles is called a?

A mole is the unit of measurement based on Avogadro's number. It measures the number of atoms or molecules in a substance.

What advantage is gained by using the mole as a unit when working with atoms?

The unit of a mole of particles is based on Avogadro's number of 6.0x10^23. The advantage with the mole is that based on the volume of 22.4-liters and standard temperature and pressure the exact amount of atoms or molecules in that system can be determined.

Is there an SI unit for number of atoms?

No SI unit for no. of atoms. But there is a SI unit to measure the amount of any substance. It is moles and mole is a fixed quantity. Each mole represents a group of 6.022 x 1023 particles. These particles may be atoms or molecules.

A mole is an SI base unit that describes the?

A mole is a unit that describes an amount of a substance that has 1 unit of Avogadro's number in it. Avogadro's number is 6.022 E23.

What is the difference between a molecule and a mole of carbon dioxide?

A molecule is the fundamental unit of a compound. Therefore, a molecule of carbon dioxide is one C and two O atoms bonded together. A molecule is a single unit whereas a mole is a group of molecules and represents a fixed no. of any substance. Therefore, one mole of Carbon Dioxide consists of a 6.022 x 1023 molecules

What is the SI unit used to measure the number of representative particles in a substance?

its the mole.

How many kilograms in a mole?

It depends on the substance.A mole is not a unit of mass. It is a unit of quantity, kind of like how "a dozen" means twelve. Except, instead of twelve, it means 6.02*10^23 of something, or610,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. This number is known as "Avagadro's number"Usually, a mole refers to a number of atoms or molecules. Avagadro's number is special because an avagadro's number of Atomic Mass Units (the mass of a proton) is equal to one gram.So, one mole of Hydrogen, which has an atomic mass of 1.008, has a mass of 1.008 grams.