there on a whole different plane. your x axis is labeled real not x and your y axis is labeled imaginary not y. then just plot the points like you normally would.
Always. The set of imaginary numbers is a subset of complex numbers. Think of complex numbers as a plane (2 dimensional). The real numbers exist on the horizontal axis. The pure imaginary are the vertical axis. All other points on the plane are combinations of real and imaginary. All points on the plane (including imaginary axis and real axis) are complex numbers.
If a number is pure imaginary then it has no real component. If it is a real number, then there is no imaginary component. If it has both real and imaginary components, then it is a complex number.
an imaginary number is imaginary so no (i guess) this answer kind of sucks
Assuming that "imaginary" refers to i, then the answer is yes.Assuming that "imaginary" refers to i, then the answer is yes.Assuming that "imaginary" refers to i, then the answer is yes.Assuming that "imaginary" refers to i, then the answer is yes.
Always. The set of imaginary numbers is a subset of complex numbers. Think of complex numbers as a plane (2 dimensional). The real numbers exist on the horizontal axis. The pure imaginary are the vertical axis. All other points on the plane are combinations of real and imaginary. All points on the plane (including imaginary axis and real axis) are complex numbers.
If a number is pure imaginary then it has no real component. If it is a real number, then there is no imaginary component. If it has both real and imaginary components, then it is a complex number.
Some are real and some are imaginary
Think of the complex numbers as points on a coordinate system. Instead of the usual x-axis you have the real numbers, instead of the y-axis, you have the imaginary numbers.The real numbers are on the horizontal axis.The imaginary numbers are on the vertical axis.The complex numbers are any number on the plane.The non-real complex are, of course, any complex numbers that are not on the real number axis - not on the horizontal axis.Think of the complex numbers as points on a coordinate system. Instead of the usual x-axis you have the real numbers, instead of the y-axis, you have the imaginary numbers.The real numbers are on the horizontal axis.The imaginary numbers are on the vertical axis.The complex numbers are any number on the plane.The non-real complex are, of course, any complex numbers that are not on the real number axis - not on the horizontal axis.Think of the complex numbers as points on a coordinate system. Instead of the usual x-axis you have the real numbers, instead of the y-axis, you have the imaginary numbers.The real numbers are on the horizontal axis.The imaginary numbers are on the vertical axis.The complex numbers are any number on the plane.The non-real complex are, of course, any complex numbers that are not on the real number axis - not on the horizontal axis.Think of the complex numbers as points on a coordinate system. Instead of the usual x-axis you have the real numbers, instead of the y-axis, you have the imaginary numbers.The real numbers are on the horizontal axis.The imaginary numbers are on the vertical axis.The complex numbers are any number on the plane.The non-real complex are, of course, any complex numbers that are not on the real number axis - not on the horizontal axis.
No, they are imaginary (unreal).
Imaginary numbers are not a subset of the real numbers; imaginary means not real.
Antonyms of imaginary are real and concrete.
It is a pure imaginary number.Since (a+bi)-(a-bi) = 2bi, it is a pure imaginary number (it has no real component).
The Axis is a Imaginary Line.
Imaginary means "not real," "fictional," or "made up."
It can be either.