To simplify 21 over 40, you need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 21 and 40, which is 1. Then, divide both the numerator and the denominator by the GCD to get the simplified form. Therefore, 21 over 40 simplified is 21/40.
It is 21/25
21/4 cannot be simplified. It can, however, be written as a mixed fracion as 51/4
21 over 24 simplified is 7/8.
32 over 21 (32/21) cannot be further simplified.
13/14 + 5/6 = 39/42 + 35/42 = 74/42 = 37/21 or 116/21
Well 21 is larger than 14 so it is an improper fraction. Take 14 from 21 and you are left with 7 thus 21/14 is the fame as 1 and 7 over 14. however 14 is twice 7 so you can divide the fraction by 7 to get 1 over 2 So 21/14 = 1 and 7/14 = 1 and 1/2 Thus 21 of 14 simplified is - One and a half
Already simplified!
Already simplified!
It is already simplified.
14/29 cannot be simplified
It already is simplified!