A prime number is a multiple of itself and one.
No prime is a multiple of any number other than itself and one.
Yes as for example it can be a multiple of 1 because 1*3 = 3
Yes. It is a multiple of 1.
A prime number can be multiplied by any other numbers because all whole numbers are the product of prime numbers.
A prime number is a multiple of itself and one.
No prime is a multiple of any number other than itself and one.
No multiple of ' 2 ', except ' 2 ' itself, is a prime number.
Yes as for example it can be a multiple of 1 because 1*3 = 3
Yes. It is a multiple of 1.
Yes except 7 itself which is a prime number
A prime number can be multiplied by any other numbers because all whole numbers are the product of prime numbers.
Yes. A prime number is a multiple of 1.
well of course there are and infinite number of prime numbers there is not only one. If you thinking of the number 1, the number one is not prime because the definition of a prime number is that it must not have any multiples except one and itself. Since a number cannot have a multiple of itself that is the same number 1 is not prime
A prime number has no factors except itself and 1.
By definition a prime number is divisible only by itself and 1, so it can't be a multiple of any other number.
A prime number is only divisible by itself and 1... A squared number is a multiple of itself - and thus is not a prime number !