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Irrational Numbers have infinitely long, non-repeating decimal expansions. They cannot be natural numbers or whole numbers. Those are rational.

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Q: Can an irrational number ever be a natural number a whole number?
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Can an irrational number ever be a natural number?


Can whole numbers ever be irrational?

No, never.

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Can the perimeter or area of a rectangle ever be an irrational number?

Yes, the perimeter or area of a rectangle can be an irrational number. Thanks

Pi is an irrational number what does that really mean?

Its decimal value keeps going on forever, without ever repeating. It can never be reduced to an exact fraction value of two whole integers.It means that pi is an irrational number and as such can not be expressed as a fraction

When written as a decimal an irrational number is not?

It is not ever accurate.

Who was the first person to show that two is an irrational number?

No one has ever shown that 2 is an irrational number because it is rational.

What is the difference between an irrational number and an integer?

A irrational number is a fractional number that can go on for ever without repeating units like pi π3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102..........Or e2.7182818284590452353602874713527.....1/3 would not be a irrational number because the digits are repeating eg 1.3333333333333333A integer is a whole number that is not fractional eg -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3Not to be confused with natural numbers which are all the whole numbers above and including 0 eg 0 1 2 3 4 ...

What makes pi so irrational?

it is a never ending number that goes on for ever

Does the golden number ever end?

No, it is an irrational number and so has an infinitely long, non-terminating decimal representation.

What is the highest whole number?

There is no highest whole number because they go on for ever.

Can the perimeter of area of a rectangle ever be an irrational number?

Yes, of course. Why ever not ? You can make your rectangle any size you want.