Josh mows lawns. He wants to pick up some customers but wants to know how long it will take before saying yes to all of them. He mows 3 of the lawns in 72 minutes. Write an equation that will allow Josh to calculate the time it would take to mow any given number of lawns.
No. A denominator basically means the numerator divided by the denominator. As no number can divide 0, the denominator cannot be zero. This applies to numerator as well. zero on a numerator basically means 0 parts, like 0/100 means zero out of a hundred parts, and also means that you badly failed your history test.
No, the denominator of a rational number cannot be zero. This is because division by zero is undefined in mathematics. A rational number is defined as the quotient of two integers, where the denominator (the number below the fraction line) cannot be zero. If the denominator were zero, the fraction would represent an undefined value.
A rational number
A rational number is simply a number that can be expressed as a fraction, with integer numerator and denominator. Such a number can be positive, negative, or zero.A rational number is simply a number that can be expressed as a fraction, with integer numerator and denominator. Such a number can be positive, negative, or zero.A rational number is simply a number that can be expressed as a fraction, with integer numerator and denominator. Such a number can be positive, negative, or zero.A rational number is simply a number that can be expressed as a fraction, with integer numerator and denominator. Such a number can be positive, negative, or zero.
Yes, 0.01 is a rational number. A rational number is any number that can be expressed as a fraction where the numerator and denominator are integers, and the denominator is not zero. In this case, 0.01 can be written as 1/100, where both the numerator (1) and denominator (100) are integers.
zero is rational because it can be written as a fraction where the denominator is not equal to 0. it can be written as 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, etc
Well, hello there! Let's talk about 0.56. That's a decimal number, but did you know it can also be written as a fraction? A rational number is any number that can be expressed as a fraction, so yes, 0.56 is indeed a rational number. Keep exploring the beauty of numbers, my friend!
A rational number
A rational number can be expressed as a fraction or ratio of two integers. Zero is an integer. Therefore, zero is a rational number EXCEPT, that the denominator of a rational number cannot be zero. You can't divide by zero.
A rational number is any number that can be expressed as a fraction. It becomes meaningless or undefined when the lower number, the denominator, its 0 (zero)
rational number
It is because division by zero is not defined.
The denominator of any number cannot be zero because division by zero is not defined.
The requirement for a number to be a rational number is that it can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, where the denominator does not equal zero.
I think it says a little more than that. b, the denominator of the rational number a/b, cannot be equal to zero because division by zero is undefined.
A rational number is simply a number that can be expressed as a fraction, with integer numerator and denominator. Such a number can be positive, negative, or zero.A rational number is simply a number that can be expressed as a fraction, with integer numerator and denominator. Such a number can be positive, negative, or zero.A rational number is simply a number that can be expressed as a fraction, with integer numerator and denominator. Such a number can be positive, negative, or zero.A rational number is simply a number that can be expressed as a fraction, with integer numerator and denominator. Such a number can be positive, negative, or zero.
It is a rational fraction.
A rational number is one that can be expressed as the ratio of two integers with the denominator not being zero. An irrational number is one that is not rational.