137% as a decimal is: 1.37. Remember that when changing a percentage into a decimal we move the decimal two places to the left. When changing a decimal to a percentage we move two places to the right.
by changing the decimal to a percentage
To change a fraction into a decimal divide the numerator by the denominator and multiply the result by 100 to change it into a percentage as for example 3/4 is 0.75 as a decimal and when multiplied by 100 it is 75%
The answer depends on the form of the fraction. If it is a decimal fraction, you need to nothing to convert it to a decimal! (?). If it is in the form of a rational fraction, you need to use long division to divide the numerator by the denominator. The division will either come to an end or will go into a repeating loop of digits. The quotient from the division is the decimal equivalent. To convert to a percentage, simply move the decimal point two places to the right - inserting os if required.
given the fraction is 1/5 you divide 1 by 5 and get .2 to turn .2 to a percentage add a 0 to the end and remove the decimal point the answer is 20%
137% as a decimal is: 1.37. Remember that when changing a percentage into a decimal we move the decimal two places to the left. When changing a decimal to a percentage we move two places to the right.
When changing decimal to percentage, multiply the given decimal by 100%.Example:change 0.25 to percent rate = 0.25 * 100% = 25%
by changing the decimal to a percentage
when changing decimals to percentage you move the decimal over 2 places so it would be 14.9 %also if u need to take a percentage to a decimal move it over 2 places to left
Changing mixed numbers percents. First change the mixed number to a decimal then change the decimal to a percent.
When changing a decimal into a percent, you can move the decimal point to the right two times, and then add the percent sign. Correct answer: 237%
first you turn the fraction into a decimal and once it is turned into a decimal, you move the point over twice to the right. for example: ½=.50 =50%
To change a fraction into a decimal divide the numerator by the denominator and multiply the result by 100 to change it into a percentage as for example 3/4 is 0.75 as a decimal and when multiplied by 100 it is 75%
percentage for the decimal 0.8717948 = 87.17948%
From decimal to percentage multiply by 100.
As a decimal . . . 12.000 As a percentage . . . 1,200%
The answer depends on the form of the fraction. If it is a decimal fraction, you need to nothing to convert it to a decimal! (?). If it is in the form of a rational fraction, you need to use long division to divide the numerator by the denominator. The division will either come to an end or will go into a repeating loop of digits. The quotient from the division is the decimal equivalent. To convert to a percentage, simply move the decimal point two places to the right - inserting os if required.