0.083 has three decimals, so that would be thousandths - 83/1000. You should check whether you can simplify such a fraction. In this case you can't.
about 3/5 of an inch
How do u convert .500 to a fraction
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How to convert 0.99 from decimal to fraction
In general you cannot. A fraction is a pure ratio and does not have any distance associated with it. If it was a fraction of some measure of distance, the answer would depend on the units. A fraction of an inch would be a very tiny fraction of a mile while a fraction of a light year could be many miles.
about 3/5 of an inch
1 centimeter = 3,937/10,000 inch 1 inch = 227/50 centimeters
Divide both numbers by the hcf which is 29 and as a fraction it is 1/2
.56 inches is 56 one-hundredths of an inch. Also expressed as 56/100 as a fraction.
It is 350/254 inches = 1.3780 inches approx
2/10 inch = 0.2 inch To convert a fraction to a decimal divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number).
To convert the decimal .083 to an inch fraction, first recognize that .083 is equal to 83/100. To simplify this fraction, divide both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor, which is 17. This gives you 83/100 = 5/6 in inch fraction form.
1/2" (it's actually 0.47, but it's close enough)
It depends on the units used for 24: millimetres, microns, feet, miles?
If given a measurement that lists tenths of inches such as 0.3 inches, place the number in a fraction over the denominator 10. In this case, 3/10. To convert to 8ths, multiply the numerator by 8 and divide by 10 to get 2.4/8ths of an inch.
How do u convert .500 to a fraction
Convert 5.75 to a fraction