

Defining the variable

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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choosing a variable to represent an unknown quantity

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Q: Defining the variable
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An unknown

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What is the definition for defining the variable?

choosing a variable to represent one of the unspecified numbers in a problem and using it to write expressions for the other unspecified numbers in the problem.

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How do you decide whether the variable frequency drive is compatible with my DC motor or not?

Variable frequency Drive is not compatible with a DC Motor. VFD can be used only with AC motors, where frequency plays a key role in defining the speed of the motor.

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Declaration is basically defining data type and length and assignment is to assign the value. Below is the declaration -- var a integer /* this means we are declaring a variable a as integer data type */ a= 5 /* this is assignment,we are assigning 5 to variable a */

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Defining them in the Server Explorer's Variables tab is the most common way to create an application level server variable.

What is the exact difference between defining and non defining relative clauses?

The difference between defining and non defining relative clauses is that defining clauses identifies or classifies a noun, while a non defining relative clause adds extra information about a noun.