The derivation of "factor" is from Latin, through French and Middle English.
The word is from Latin - per centum meaning by the hundred
A factor is a number or quantity that when multiplied with another produces a given number or expression.
For every factor of a number, there is another factor that results when you divide the first factor into the number. Factors can be listed in pairs. Since 9 x 4 = 36, (9,4) is a factor pair of 36.
write down the words P1.E if you write them correctly it looks like 3.14 but backwards lol but honestly the word pi is from the greek alphabet. the symbol from the greek alphabet is used in many word problems involving circles. they found this number called 3.1459.... with decimals that go on forever and they needed something to define it. they picked a greek letter from the greek alphabet and call it this. this is common because in physics many greek letters are used to represent things. greek letters like omega,epsilon,zetta,kappa,gamma,beta,alpha,rho.. and many more
The greatest common factor of 27 and 30 is 3
Hypno -- the greek word for sleep.
From the Greek word for "change."
From the Greek word "synopsis".
The word 'great' does not come from greek. it's old English from the germanic: "grautaz"
the greek word kratein means reign
The word 'hormone' comes from the Greek word ὁρμή - meaning "impetus".
greek is a nationality for the country Greece
it was a greek
the greek word chemo
for a greek word gollena