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Double price is equal to 200% of the original price.

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Q: Double price equals what percent?
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How do pricing percentage markups work For instance does 100 percent markup double the price Or would that be a 200 percent markup?

100 percent markup will double the price. 200 percent markup would triple the price. (For markup read increase.)

Does 62.5 equals 50 percent?

Any number equals 50 percent of some suitable number - namely, double that number.

How do you calculate the wholesale price if the retail price is A and the mark up is B percent?

It is A*(1+B/100) which equals A + A*B/100

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The total tax is $2.83 and the total price with tax is $44.83

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380 - 35 percent percent equals 2.47

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How do you find percent of disscount?

Discount divided by original price gives you a decimal which you then multiply by 100. This equals percent of discount Eg: $15 discount, $80 original price 15 / 80 = 0.1875 x 100 = 18.75%

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The sale price is $156.00

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"30 percent of 122 equals 85.4" is false. 30 percent of 122 equals 36.6.

When was Double Equals created?

Double Equals was created in 2007.

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62000 x 3/17 = 10941.18