22 x 33 = 108
Prime factors in exponent form: 2^4 * 11
64 = 26
25 x 3 = 96
24 x 32 = 144
22 x 33 = 108
It is: 2 times 5^2 = 50
It is: 24*32 = 1584
Prime factors in exponent form: 2^4 * 11
24 x 33 = 144 This equals 432 not 144. It should be 3 squared, not 3 cubed.
Prime factors are: 2*34*5 = 810
3e+0 * 5e+0 = 1.5e+1
As a product of its prime factors in exponents: 218 = 262144
As it is given 43*33 but in terms of prime factors, it would be 26*33
The prime factorization of 36 written in exponential notation is: 22 x 32
As a product of its prime factors in exponents: 25*3*52 = 2400 Or as 2.4*103 in scientific notation
63 = 9 x 7 which would be 32 x 71