To find the HCF of 36 and 66 you first need to express them as a product of their prime factors: 36 = 2x2x3x3 66 = 2x3x11 The next step is to identify any common prime factors. In this case, both numbers have a 2 and a 3 as prime factors. Multiply these together, and you get: 2x3 = 6 Thus the hcf of 36 and 66 is 6.
As a product of its prime factors: 2*2*2*2*2 = 36 or in exponents 2^5 = 36
36 = 22 x 32
As a product of its prime factors in exponents: 22*38 = 26244
36 18,2 9,2,2 3,3,2,2
It is: 2*2*3*3 = 36
36 as a product of its prime factors is 2 x 2 x 3 x 3. Their total is 10. 36 as a product of factors that total 13 is 4 x 9
The prime factors of 36 are 2, 2, 3, and 3, so their product is 36. The distinct prime factors of 36 are 2 and 3, so their product is 6.
As a product of its prime factors: 2*2*3*3 = 36
As a product of its prime factors in exponents: 22*32 = 36
As a product of its prime factors: 2*2*3*3 = 36 or as 22*32 = 36 As a product of its prime factors: 3*13 = 39
As a product of its prime factors it is: 223*3 = 36
As a product of its prime factors in exponents: 22*32 = 36
As a product of its prime factors: 2*2*3*3 = 36
That's usually as a product of its prime factors. Here's an example: 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 = 36
To find the HCF of 36 and 66 you first need to express them as a product of their prime factors: 36 = 2x2x3x3 66 = 2x3x11 The next step is to identify any common prime factors. In this case, both numbers have a 2 and a 3 as prime factors. Multiply these together, and you get: 2x3 = 6 Thus the hcf of 36 and 66 is 6.
As a product of its prime factors: 2*2*3*3 = 36