Reduce the fraction to its simplest form - that is, remove any common factors between the numerator and denominator. If the denominator now is a factor of some power of 10, that is, if the denominator is of the form 2a*5b then the fraction will me a terminating decimal. If not, it will not.
To write 56.25 percent as a fraction, first remove the percentage sign and divide by 100 to convert it to a decimal. 56.25% is equal to 0.5625 as a decimal. Next, express this decimal as a fraction by writing it as 5625/10000. Finally, simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 25. Therefore, 56.25% as a fraction is 225/400.
To convert 334% to a fraction, you first divide the percentage by 100 to convert it to a decimal. So, 334% is equal to 3.34 as a decimal. To express 3.34 as a fraction, you can write it as 334/100. To simplify this fraction further, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 2. Therefore, 334% as a fraction in simplest form is 167/50.
To express 0.28 as a fraction in its lowest terms, we first note that 0.28 can be written as 28/100. Then, we simplify this fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 4. Therefore, 0.28 in its lowest fraction form is 7/25.
First you convert the decimal into a mixed-number/fraction. Then you have to find the common denominator and compare.
It is 423/999, which can be simplified, if required.
Reduce the fraction to its simplest form - that is, remove any common factors between the numerator and denominator. If the denominator now is a factor of some power of 10, that is, if the denominator is of the form 2a*5b then the fraction will me a terminating decimal. If not, it will not.
To convert a fraction into a decimal divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number). When the fraction is as simple as possible (no common factor between the numerator and denominator other than 1) and the denominator has any prime factor other than 2 and 5, the resulting decimal will be recurring.
To convert a decimal to a fraction, you can write it as the decimal number over a power of 10. In this case, 0.23 can be written as 23/100. To simplify this fraction, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which in this case is 1. Therefore, the equivalent decimal to 0.23 is 23/100.
To write 56.25 percent as a fraction, first remove the percentage sign and divide by 100 to convert it to a decimal. 56.25% is equal to 0.5625 as a decimal. Next, express this decimal as a fraction by writing it as 5625/10000. Finally, simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 25. Therefore, 56.25% as a fraction is 225/400.
To express 25.2 as a fraction, we first need to consider the decimal point. Since 25.2 has one decimal place, we can write it as 25.2/10, as the decimal point represents tenths. To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 2. This gives us the simplified fraction 126/5.
If you're dealing with a recurring decimal then it is common practice to place a dot over the digit that recurs, e.g. the fraction 1/3 written as a decimal would have a dot placed over the second or third digit (in this case a 3) behind the decimal point to idicate that it recurrs infinitely.
Any kind of fraction becomes decimal notation if you divide the denominator into the numerator. Any decimal notation becomes a percent if you multiply it by 100.
To convert 334% to a fraction, you first divide the percentage by 100 to convert it to a decimal. So, 334% is equal to 3.34 as a decimal. To express 3.34 as a fraction, you can write it as 334/100. To simplify this fraction further, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 2. Therefore, 334% as a fraction in simplest form is 167/50.
To express 0.022 as a fraction, we first identify that the decimal is in the thousandths place. Therefore, we can write 0.022 as 22/1000. To simplify this fraction, we divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 2. This gives us the simplified fraction 11/500.
0.464646.... To convert to a fraction. Let P = 0.464646.... 100P = 46.464646.... Subtract 99P = 46 Note the repeating decimal subtract to zero. P = 46/99 Is the fraction ,as neither 46. nor '99' have common factors.