293 is a Prime number and prime numbers are numbers that are divisible by itself and 1. Rember 1 is not a prime number.1 is not prime because a prime number has to factors 1 and itself but one is its self there for it only has one factor.
The Prime Factors of 7,325 are 5, 293
The first ten positive integer multiples of 293 are: 1 x 293 = 293 2 x 293 = 586 3 x 293 = 879 4 x 293 = 1172 5 x 293 = 1465 6 x 293 = 1758 7 x 293 = 2051 8 x 293 = 2344 9 x 293 = 2637 10 x 293 = 2930
A prime number has only 2 factors which are 1 and itself. Composite numbers are everything else except 1 and 0. 1 and 0 are neither prime, nor composite. 293 is prime.
1 and 293 (293 is a prime number).
There is no factorization of 293 because 293 is a prime number. It is divisible only by 1 and itself.
The factors of 292 are 1 2 4 73 146 and 292
1 and 293
1 and 293
The factors of 293 are 1 and 293.
The positive integer factors of 293 are: 1, 293
293 is a prime number.
The factors of 879 are: 1, 3, 293, and 879.The prime factors of 879 are: 3 and 293.
1 x 293
293 x 1 = 293, but those numbers are factors.
None. 293 itself is a prime number.
293 is a prime number. so factors are 1 x 293
293 is a prime number.293 is a Prime, so only 293 and 1 go into it evenly.