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Well apparently there are four main reasons as to why people live where they do: *history of the region *economic developtment *people seem to like to live near water... *natural environment

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Q: Factors of why people live where they do?
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What are 2 factors that influence where people live?

Two factors that influence where people live are economic opportunities, such as job availability and cost of living, and social factors like proximity to family and friends, access to amenities, and quality of schools. Geographical factors like climate, natural resources, and physical geography can also play a role in determining where people choose to live.

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mortalitlytable by studying how long people live

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Crime , at least i would say.

What are three factors that influence where people live?

Three factors that influence where people live include job opportunities, proximity to family and friends, and quality of life amenities such as schools, healthcare, and recreational activities. Additionally, affordability of housing also plays a significant role in determining where individuals decide to live.

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Most people live at elevations ranging from sea level to around 2,000 feet (600 meters). Factors such as climate, job opportunities, and proximity to amenities can influence the elevation at which people choose to live.

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Three factors that affect where people live and work include job opportunities (availability of work), cost of living (housing affordability), and quality of life (including factors like climate, amenities, and community).

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It is rare for people to live up to 112 years old, but it is possible. Factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and overall health contribute to longevity. Leading a healthy lifestyle, avoiding risk factors, and having access to good healthcare can increase the chances of living a longer life.

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No. The change in state doesn't make any difference.