34,050 * * * * * That is thirty four thousand fifty! Thirty four HUNDRED fifty, which is what the question was about, is 3450. That, in standard form, is 3.45*103
Thirty million and fifty.
Thirty and one half
Thirty-four and fifty-six thousandths.
Thirty-two and fifty-two hundredths.
The GCF is 50.
The GCF is 18.
5 and 50
The GCF is 2.
The greatest common factor of sixteen and fifty-two is four.
It can be. 50 is a common factor of 100 and 150.
If you include 40 and 50, it's 10. If you don't, it's 7.
150, 300, 450 and so on.
The common factors are: 1, 2, 5, 10.
The Greatest Common Divisor of 18, 54 is 18.