A decimal is a number that isn't a whole number. Its has a point between the extra bit of the number and the whole number. In primary school you might of just put remainder. A percentage is a number out of 100. You could put this number as a denominator of a fraction over 100. 25% can also be known as 1/4. 50% can also be known as 1/2. 75% can also be know as 3/4.
Ratio is very difficult to explain. But I'll try my best. Think of it like a recipe. If the recipe has 2 cups of sugar but 3 cups of flour and you want to make triple the amount, you always have to have 3 lots of flour for 2 lots of sugar.
I hope you understand it now. And i hope I've not mucked this all up. Please forgive me. I'm only 12 =S
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decimals fractions and percents are all alike because they show parts of 100, per 100(percent, cent representing for 100, century)
Fractions, decimals and percents aren't integers
Yes, they often are. Gear ratios and anatomical ratios are usually expressed in decimal numbers in relation to one.
1.3 To convert percents to decimals, divide the number by 100. 130 divided by 100 is 1.3.