The greatest common factor, or GCF, is the largest positive integer that will divide evenly with no remainder into all the members of a given set of numbers. The least common multiple, or LCM, is the smallest positive integer that all the members of a given set of numbers will divide into evenly with no remainder. Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples.
The GCF and LCM of 10 and 10 is 10.
The LCM is 275 and the GCF is 55
GCD and GCF are the same thing. Factors and divisors are interchangeable. The LCD and the LCM are the same process with different results. The LCD produces a denominator, the LCM produces a whole number.
The GCF is 6 and the LCM is 36,192.
Gcf: 4 lcm: 576
Only if they're the same number. The LCM and GCF of 10 and 10 is 10.
No, the only way the GCF and LCM of two numbers can be the same is if the numbers are the same.
No, the only way the GCF and LCM of two numbers can be the same is if the numbers are the same.
No.The gcf of two numbers is LESS THAN OR EQUAL than their lcm.The gcf of two DIFFERENT numbes is LESS THAN their lcm.
The GCF is 12. The LCM is 360.
The GCF is 4.
The greatest common factor, or GCF, is the largest positive integer that will divide evenly with no remainder into all the members of a given set of numbers. The least common multiple, or LCM, is the smallest positive integer that all the members of a given set of numbers will divide into evenly with no remainder.
The GCF is 68, the LCM is 68
GCF is 2.LCM is 42.The GCF is 2.
You cannot. LCM{2,6,12} = 12 and GCF{2,6,12} = 2 LCM{4,6,12} = 12 and GCF{4,6,12} = 2 The two sets have the same LCM and GCF but, clearly, their sums are different.
The LCM is 11592. The GCF is 2.
The GCF and LCM of 24 and 42 are 6 and 168 respectively.