24 square feet equals about 2.23 square meters. It's greater than the area of a twin size mattress but less than the area of a full size mattress.
7000 square feet :)
As big as lachie's dick
352 square feet = 32.7 square metres.
To convert square feet to m² multiply by .09291000 square feet is 92.9 m²
It is approx 1726 metres.
The question does not make any sense. Cubic meters is a measurement of volume. Square feet is a measurement of area. Think of a box. A cubic meter would be used to describe how much you can fit inside the box. A square foot would be used to describe how big one side of the box is.
5 × 4.8 = 24sq m
Depends on the length of the sides. eg 1x24 = 24sq mtrs. 10x15 = 150 sq mtrs.
big feet big feet
yes pandas have big feet.
multiplythe width by length ie 18feet x 12feet =216 divide by 9 =24sq yards
Big feet can be inherited through genetics. The size of a person's feet is influenced by multiple factors, such as the size of the bones in the feet and genetics from both parents. If one or both parents have big feet, there is a higher chance that their children will also have big feet.
They have big shoes. My mom says that girls with big feet will either be tall or have big breasts... i dont know about guys tho (its like they all have big feet)
How big is a wall that is 15 square feet?
Your Feet's Too Big was created in 1936.
Yes he has big sexy feet
two feet big