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If you have no clue about how decimals work then getting an estimate for the answer gives you an order of magnitude which can help in placing the decimal. But if you are even a bit clued up, estimating will not be necessary.

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Q: How can estimating quotient help you to place the decimal correctly?
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How does estimating help us place the decimal point in the quotient?

Estimating will give an indication of the order of magnitude of the answer. The decimal point determines the order of magnitude.

Estimating the quotient helps you place the first digit in the quotient of a division problem?

Yes, that's true.

How can estimating quotients help you place the decimal correctly?

Estimating quotients gives an indication of the order of magnitude of the answer. That is, whether the answer is in units, or tens, or hundreds, thousands and so forth. Basic understanding of the placement of the decimal point should then be a trivial exercise.

How can estimating products help you to place the decimal correctly?

Learning to estimate products is very helpful because it helps with teach you how to learn how to do your taxes and etc.

How does estimation help you place the decimal point in a product correctly?

Estimating help determine the order of magnitude of the answer. It is, therefore, a simple matter to place the decimal point is such a way that the order of magnitude of the calculated answer matches that of the estimate.

How can estimating products help you to place a decimal correctly?

By estimating the product it gives an indication of how big the final answer should be; knowing this, the decimal point can be put in to give an answer of the correct size. For example if the product estimate is 125 and the actual answer (without the decimal point) is 136728, then the decimal point needs to be inserted to make the answer about 125; the place is therefore after the 136, making the answer 136.728 (= 5.4 x 25.32 ≈ 5 x 25 = 125)

How many decimal places will be in the quotient of 15.99 divided by 4.1?

One decimal place. 3.9 is the quotient.

How does estimating before you divide 624 divided by 6 help you place the first digit in the quotient?


What is 684.575 to one decimal place?

Estimating the number 684.575 to one decimal place gives you 684.6 which is very close.

Explain why estimating before you divide helps you place the first digit in the quotient?

You can use estimation and place value to help you figure out where to place the first digit.

What do you do if the decimal point is in the dividend?

Divide as normal, but make sure to place the decimal point in the quotient directly above the decimal point in the dividend.

What is the rule about significant figures when multiplying or dividing measurement?

the decimal place in the quotient or product should be based in the decimal place of the given with the least significant figures