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The definition of a prime is an integer that has two positive factors, one and itself. These are two distinct factors. One only has one positive factor. Thus it's not a prime.

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Q: How come one is not a prime number?
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Is 1 composite number or prime number?

one is not compiste and not prime because its not prime and not compisete and dont ask again or i will come and kill you

Why is one a prime number?

One is not a prime number. A prime number, by definition, is a number that is only divisible by two numbers: one and itself. One is divisible by only one number, one, and therefore is not a prime number.

Is the number one a prime factor?

No 1 it is not a prime number. The definition of a prime number is that it can only have factors of one and itself. Since one already has one then it can not be a prime number.

What is one if it is not a prime number?

one is in fact a prime number.

Why are prime numbers prime?

A prime number is any number that only has one and itself as factors. Therefore, to tell if a number is prime simply find it's factors. If it has more than two factors than it is not a prime number.

What number has only one prime factor?

No prime number only has one factor. Each prime number has itself and 1 as factors. Now, the number 1 of course has only one factor, but it is technically not a prime number.

No prime number can be a perfect square True or false?

True. By definition, a prime number is divisible by one and by itself. Also by definition, a perfect square has at least an additional pair of factors - it's square root. Therefore a prime number could never be a perfect square. One exception that might come to mind in this case is the number one. One however, is not considered a prime number, and thus does not conflict with this rule.

What is the place value of the highest known prime number?

The largest prime number yet discovered has 17,425,170 digits. That does not have a specific name. Perhaps you could come up with one.

What is it called when a number can only be divided by one and itself?

a prime number.

What is the one prime even number?

2 is one prime even number.

Why prime number prime?

A prime number is a number that has only two factors which are itself and one

Why isn't one a prime number prime number?

one is not a prime number because one isn't divisible by 2 diffrent numbers it is only divisible by one number one which is itself