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To convert Roman numerals to Arabic numerals, you assign a numerical value to each Roman numeral symbol. Start from left to right, and if a symbol represents a value larger than the one following it, you add the values. If a symbol represents a value smaller than the one following it, you subtract the values. Repeat this process until you have converted all the symbols into Arabic numerals.

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15y ago

Any number from 1 to 10999 can be made using a combination of these Roman numerals, which can simply be typed using the capital letters and curved bracket symbols on an ordinary keyboard...
I = 1
V = 5
X = 10
L = 50
C = 100
D = 500
M = 1000
(IV) = 4000
(V) = 5000
(VI) = 6000
(VII) = 7000
(VIII) = 8000
(IX) = 9000
(X) = 10000

For example... 3 = III, 24 = XXIV, 48 = XLVIII, 296 = CCXCVI, 666 = DCLXVI, 1555 = MDLV, 2009 = MMIX, 4999 = (IV)CMXCIX, 10888 = (X)DCCCLXXXVIII.

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