There are a couple of different ways:
Remember, dollars and cents are written the same as any other decimal number so whole numbers go to the left of the decimal point, and cents and fractions of cents go to the right.
$1 = 100 cents15/100 = 0.15 of $1 in decimal
Five point five. Numerically, that's 5.5.
72 cents is 0.72
70 cents in word form is seventy cents.
0.15 or 15/100
To write 20.5 million numerically, you would write it as 20,500,000.
One billion numerically is: 1,000,000,000
Ten lakh is written out numerically as 10,00,000.
15.3.2013el quince de marzo de dos mil trece
It is: 12,000,000