To write the number 3000000 plus 40000 plus 8000 plus 2 plus .07 plus .003 in standard form, you would add all the numbers together to get 3,045,002.073. This number can be expressed in standard form as 3.045002073 x 10^6, where the decimal point is moved to the left to create a number between 1 and 10, and the exponent indicates how many places the decimal point was moved.
The answer is 700,040,566. That other form is not much good to express numbers with, its soul purpose being to show place value.
7000040566 Yep that it all right :|
how would you write 6+0.3+0.02+0.001 in standard form?
27.38 = 2.738*101 in standard form
In word form, we write eighty-four and 2 tenths.In standard form, we simplify the expression to get 84.2.
360,420 is the standard form of 300000 plus 60000 plus 400 plus 20.
6000000000 plus 1000000 in standard form = 6.0 × 109 + 1.0 × 106
80000000 plus 4000000 plus 100 plus 8 in standard form = 84,000,108