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It isn't clear in what form you have the complex number. But you can change it from the form (absolute value, angle) to the form (real part + imaginary part) using the polar-rectangular conversion available on scientific calculators (and the other way round, with the rectangular-polar conversion). Note that a complex number in the form (real part + imaginary part) is most appropriate for addition and subtraction, while a complex number of the form (absolute value, angle) is most appropriate for multiplication or division, so depending on the operations, you may want to convert back and forth several times.

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Q: How do change a complex number to its standard form?
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The standard written form of a complex number is to first write the real part of the number, and then write the imaginary part; e.g. x+yi or 3+7i.

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You have written it in standard form.

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Writing a number in standard form simply means to express the number in its 'normal' form. Therefore, your example is written in standard form as: 25