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Examples: Less than: 3 < 5

More than: 7 > 5

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Q: How do i use 'less than' and 'more than' using keyboard symbols?
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The US QWERTY Standard Keyboard is both Keyboards. They&rsquo;re alike to the Spanish (Latin American) Keyboard by the letters. They are also alike by the numbers and symbols. They are different by where the symbols are located. Some keys have more symbols than the US QWERTY standard keyboard has. Another difference between the US keyboard and the Spanish (Latin America) keyboard is that the Spanish N is different than the English N.

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You use something called an alt code. By pressing the Alt key and a number at the same time, you can make various symbols not on your keyboard. The sun is Alt+15 &#9788; You can look up a whole chart of them on google if you want to see more.

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When you are using the keyboard instead of the mouse you are making?

... a smart move. The keyboard is quicker for most every task and more ergonomic too.

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&bull; An observer can typically watch the screen more easily (and less suspiciously) than the keyboard, and see which characters the mouse moves to.

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