write the following decimal numbers in words .0087945
There are no decimal words! The number is eight hundredths.
4.5 is already a decimal. In words it is four and five tenths.
103/25 = 103 ÷ 25 = 4.12
0.103 is a decimal.
To write 0.103 as a fraction, you need to identify the place value of the decimal. The decimal number 0.103 is in the thousandths place. As a fraction, it can be written as 103/1000.
If by 'decimal form' you mean 'scientific form', 7.000 x 103.
46 and 103 thousandths
write the following decimal numbers in words .0087945
There are no decimal words! The number is eight hundredths.
Since there are 3 digits after the decimal, divide by 1000 (103):925 / 1000Then see if you can simplify.Since there are 3 digits after the decimal, divide by 1000 (103):925 / 1000Then see if you can simplify.Since there are 3 digits after the decimal, divide by 1000 (103):925 / 1000Then see if you can simplify.Since there are 3 digits after the decimal, divide by 1000 (103):925 / 1000Then see if you can simplify.
'Zero, point, three four'. NOT 'point thirty four'.
.12 in words is twelve hundredths.