256 = 28
A fraction is essentially a division problem:256/1000= 256 ÷ 1,000 = 0.256
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 256, 256/1024 is equal to 1/4 or one quarter.
64/256 = 1/4
Any integer can be expressed as a fraction in its simplest form by putting it over 1.
Oh, what a happy little question! The standard form of 256 is simply 256 itself. Just like how a beautiful mountain stands tall and proud, 256 stands in its standard form, ready to be admired and appreciated. Keep being curious and exploring, my friend!
A number in standard form is just the same way you are always used to seeing it. Like for example: 256. To write that same number using expanded notation, you have to think of the place values of each of the digits. The number is the sum of those values. 256 = (2 x 100) + (5 x 10) + (6 x 1). That's 256 in expanded notation.
Writing a number in standard form simply means to express the number in its 'normal' form. Therefore, your example is written in standard form.
To write 256 as a fraction, you can simply express it as 256/1, since any number divided by 1 is equal to the number itself. This fraction is already in its simplest form because 256 and 1 do not have any common factors other than 1. Therefore, 256 as a fraction is 256/1.
8.2 =Eight and two tenths(8 x 1) + (2/10)
4 times 256^1 2^8 4^4 16^2
256 = (2 x 100) + (5 x 10) + (6 x 1)
You write 375 and 256 thousandths like this: 375.256
256 7/8 first take the decimal & put it into a fraction. .875= 7/8 then just add 256.
625/256 is in its simplest form.