You do a long division - using whichever method you have been taught. Don't stop with a remainder but carry on until you see a repeating pattern emerging (after 6 decimal places).
7/4 as a decimal is 1.75
7/100 because a fraction is practically a number divided by the denominator and if you do 7 divided by 100 it is 0.07
One decimal place. 3.9 is the quotient.
You do 3 divided by 4 to get .75%
4/7 as a percent = 57.14%4/7:= 4 ÷ 7= 0.5714 in decimal= 0.5714 * 100%= 57.14%
If you mean 4 divided by 5/7 then it is 28/5 or 5.6 as a decimal
you would get a decimal, but you have: 9/3= 3 +5= 7/4= .something
3 divided by 7 is:3/7 = 0.428571428 calculating to 9 decimal places.
decimal for 7/4 = 1.757/4:= 7 ÷ 4= 1.75 in decimal
3 and 7/10 divided by 3/4 = 4 and 14/15 or as a decimal = 4.933333.....recurring
The number 7 can be equally divided by the numbers 1, and 7. If divided by 2, 3, 4, or 5, you would get a fraction or a number with a decimal point.
7/4 as a decimal is 1.75
Do 8 divided by 7
7/4 as a decimal is 1.75