First you need to set your denominators equally to their lowest common. Then you take that lowest common and use it with the two or more irrationals. Using it, you need to multiply the denominator of the irrationals to get the LCD, you multiply both the top and bottom. The bootoms will all be the same but the tops wont. Then add the tops together and reduce. The denominator will be the LCD!
Ans 2. The answer above fundamentally misunderstands what an irrational number is. In order to have a numerator and a denominator, you must be able to express your number as a ratio. The word irrational means that this is a number that can notbe expressed as a ratio.
No, the result is always an irrational number. In more advanced math it is possible to add an infinite amount of rational numbers by way of Taylor Series and get an irrational number. This is how numbers like "Pi" and "e" are derived.
For two rational numbers select any terminating or repeating decimal number which starts with 2.10 and for irrational numbers you require a non-terminating, non-repeating decimal which also starts with 2.10.
properties of irrational numbers
Yes. For example: a = 10 - pi b = pi Both are irrational; the sum a + b is 10.
Not necessarily. The sum of two irrational numbers can be rational or irrational.
You can not add irrational numbers. You can round off irrational numbers and then add them but in the process of rounding off the numbers, you make them rational. Then the sum becomes rational.
Rational and Irrational Numbers
Yes. The sum of two irrational numbers can be rational, or irrational.
Yes, you can.
No, you can't.
Sure; for example, 10 + pi is irrational, 10 - pi is irrational. Both are positive. If you add them, you get 20.
Yes. sqrt(2) + sqrt(2) = 2*sqrt(2), an irrational number.
Yes. Consider 4+sqrt(2), and 3-sqrt(2). Both are irrational numbers. Their sum is 7.
No, the result is always an irrational number. In more advanced math it is possible to add an infinite amount of rational numbers by way of Taylor Series and get an irrational number. This is how numbers like "Pi" and "e" are derived.