119 is a whole number. There are an infinite number of ways a whole number can be written as a fraction. 119/1 is a fraction that is equal to 119. So is:
These are, however, all improper fractions. Meaning they can be reduced to 119, which is clearer to understand and work with in normal situations.
Perhaps you meant how to change 1.19 or 11.9 into a fraction?
1.19 = 119/100 (Move decimal place over two positions and divide by 100. 119 = 7*17, 100 is divisible by neither 7 nor 17, therefor 119/100 is reduced as far as possible.)
11.9 = 119/10 (By similar argument)
1.95 = 195/100 = 39/20 or 119/20
0.476 as a fraction is 119/250.
119/250 = 0.476
0.238 = 238/1000 = 119/500
you can change a fraction to a decimal by dividing the bottom number into the top number.
1.95 = 195/100 = 39/20 or 119/20
119/1000 (119 over 1000
It is: 0.119 = 119/1000 as a fraction
0.476 as a fraction is 119/250.
No it is not.
11.9 = 119/10 or 119/10
To express 14.875 as a fraction, we first note that the decimal point is after the thousandths place. Therefore, we can rewrite 14.875 as 14 and 875/1000. Simplifying the fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by 125, we get 14 and 7/8. So, 14.875 written as a fraction is 14 7/8.
119 is an integer and so there is no sensible way of writing it as a fraction or mixed number. As a whole number it is simply 119, exactly as in the question.
119/125 = 0.952
The fraction 119/1000 cannot be reduced any more.