you can change a fraction to a decimal by dividing the bottom number into the top number.
0.5 is a decimal so therefore you cant change a decimal to a decimal. But, 0.5 as a number is 5.
2.625 is a decimal.
3.45 is a decimal.
1.25 is a decimal.
Whole numbers such as 1239 are not normally expressed as mixed numbers
1239 x 6789 = 8,411,571
400 x 1239 = 495600
The year 1239 was the 13th century (1200-1299).
No. 6 is less than 1239 so it cannot be divisible by it. Nor is 1239 divisible by 6: all multiples of 6 are even but 1239 is odd, so it cannot be divisible by 6.
It is about 5/8 times 1239 = 774.375 miles
You can change a decimal into a fraction or a percentage
will your internet connection work in 1239 Simsbury Houston, Texas 77022 Will your internet connection work in 1239 Simsbury St. Houston,Tx. 77022
you can change a fraction to a decimal by dividing the bottom number into the top number.
0.5 is a decimal so therefore you cant change a decimal to a decimal. But, 0.5 as a number is 5.
You change three percent to a decimal.