To convert 13/250 into decimal form, you simply divide the numerator (13) by the denominator (250). This division results in 0.052, which represents 13/250 in decimal form.
13⁄250 = 0.052
13. 250 as decimal = 13.250 or 13.25
13/250 = 0.052
13 over twenty as a decimal is 0.65.
13 over 200 as a decimal is 0.065
13 over 9 in decimal notation = 1.4444...13/9:= 13 ÷ 9= 1.4444... in decimal
13 over what? * * * * * Does not need to be 13 over anything. The decimal representation of 13 is 13 - exactly as in the question!
It is: 13/20 = 0.65 as a decimal
13/10000, as a decimal = 0.0013
It is: 13/20 = 0.65 as a decimal